Stop Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically

So you figure that you wouldn’t see this issue anymore since it’s 2019, but apparently Microsoft really wants everyone to move to Win 10. Now this is a move in the right direction for most, but not for everyone as some smaller software companies haven’t updated their software to properly function with Win 10, while […]

Filtering Debian SFTP logs with single digit date

Filtering Debian SFTP logs with single digit date I recently ranĀ into a problem when Filtering Debian SFTP logs with single digit dateĀ . The issue is that when the date is 2 digits like Apr 10 then my script would work fine, however when its less than 10 then it would not be able to grep […]

Logging SFTP access in Debian 9 Stretch

logging SFTP access in Debian 9 Stretch To start logging SFTP access in Debian 9 Stretch all you need to to is to edit a config file and restart a service. First make sure that the sshd service is currently running if you are not remotely accessing the machine to begin with by using the […]