c sharp extension methods

C sharp extension methods programming with C# sharp extension methods allow us to write cleaner, simpler and more readable code. But before we see how they are used, lets see some example code without using Extension methods. Below we will show you step by step as we will introduce the Extension methods. This is actually very easy […]

Unable to send emails through GoDaddy's hosted exchange

Unable to send emails through GoDaddy’s hosted exchange

Unable to send emails through GoDaddy’s hosted exchange After days of wasted time calling GoDaddy who claimed “everything is working fine” and emailing several complaints I discovered several things. 1. GoDaddy had a huge influx of SPAM which caused GoDaddy to outsource. 2. GoDaddy couldn’t or didn’t want to handle their SPAM situation in-house so they […]

operator overloading in C#

Operator Overloading in C# One of the greatest things you can find in c# is operator overloading capability. This is very awesome and applicable especially in a calculation related solution. We all know what is the easiest way to add two numbers, or two strings, simply by using + operator. Short example: int a = […]

debugging breakpoints (part 2)

debugging breakpoints This is the second part of the Break points tutorial. Before you continue reading this article, you might want to check out part 1, if you haven’t already done that. With that being said we can return our focus on this article. The main goal in this article is to explain the debugging breakpoints […]

debugging breakpoints (part 1)

debugging breakpoints One of the daily routines for every developer is debugging. As many developers already know it can be a very difficult, and some times even more annoying of a process. It often require code changes just to find the bug, adding debug/trace lines, assertions and God knows what else. At the end when […]