How to rename your computer using it’s service tag number Below is a short script that is handy in renaming your computer using the service tag or serial number of the machine. To invoke this on multiple machines you may want to look into running psexec to copy the script locally to the machine, then […]
ssh to OpenSSH running on Windows cron is not working
When trying to ssh to OpenSSH running on Windows cron is not working However if you run the script manually it executes correctly. After days of research and asking everyone I know I finally stumbled across a solution which fixes the problem. This whole conundrum occurred after my excitement of OpenSSH being released for Windows which […]
Configuring SNMP agentless monitoring on Windows Server 2012 / R2
Configuring SNMP agentless monitoring on Windows Server 2012 / R2 Open server manager by clicking on the icon on your taskbar Click on Add roles and features then click Next à Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next. Now select a server from the server pool like your local server’s name and […]
Installing htop on Oracle Linux 7 or RHEL 7
Installing htop on Oracle Linux 7 or RHEL 7 In order to get the latest version of htop installed it’s a little more than just your yum install command. Installing htop on Oracle Linux 7 or RHEL 7 is just broken down to a couple of things. Get the latest source, unzip, configure, make and install, […]
Dell H200 RAID controller Speed Hack
Dell H200 RAID controller Speed Hack FIRST AND FOREMOST ONLY DO AT YOUR OWN RISK AND UNDERSTAND THE RISK TRADE-OFF The Dell H200 does not have a built in battery so for the sake of safety it is crippled by the firmware from the factory so that if you lose power during a write to […]